ÄKTA, Chicago


The talented designers at Horn Design created ÄKTA's Chicago offices with a fun and friendly atmosphere. Designed to "empower employees", it's variety of space offerings allows ÄKTA's staff to collaborate in a range of settings. 

With state-of-the-art technology hubs, conference rooms and oversized lounge platforms, the office has been brought to life. Including swings at their snack bar and a ping pong table, employees are encouraged to work on more sociable terms with their colleagues, rather than sit at a boardroom table. 

We personally love swings in offices. Very little could produce more fun and a relaxed environment. The red accents throughout the flooring, furnishings and decor give the office a further spark; creating a vibrant and playful atmosphere.

ÄKTA Office, Chicago | Horn Design | Snack Bar Swings

ÄKTA Office, Chicago | Horn Design | Ping Pong Table Breakout Area

ÄKTA Office, Chicago | Horn Design | Boardroom and Lounge Areas

ÄKTA Office, Chicago | Horn Design | Reception Area

Images: Horn-Design.com

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