Ancestry, Utah


Rapt Studio have come into their own with their design of Ancestry's offices in Utah. Turning their space into a home for their staff, Rapt Studio cultivated a design that brought together the true values of the company. 

Combining their modern equipment with the traditional components of the company has brought their office to life; with a character that is completely unique to Ancestry. Portraits of senior employees have been paired with archival photographs of their relatives found through Ancestry and line the office walls; showing how personal the company is. 

The multi-dimensional graphic installation welcomes guests into the office lobby, and is resemblant of the change in ancestries of various populations; represented through the colour variations in the display. 

At the heart of Ancestry is the concept that every individual person was once part of just a few big families; and Ancestry's offices have been designed to re-create a unified family under one roof.

A fan of individuality, we love design studios that take a company's core values and build from there on up; truly capturing what the brand is about in it's very best form. The Ancestry offices must be one of our favourite to date; and the personal touches with the portraits of employees and their relatives is by far the best representation of the company expressed through design. 

Ancestry Offices | Rapt Studio | Staff Ancestry

Ancestry Offices | Rapt Studio | Graphic Installation

Ancestry Offices | Rapt Studio | Reception

Ancestry Offices | Rapt Studio | Stairway

Ancestry Offices | Rapt Studio | Staff Ancestry

Ancestry Offices | Rapt Studio | Meeting Spaces

Ancestry Offices | Rapt Studio | Canteen

Ancestry Offices | Rapt Studio | Graphic Installation

Ancestry Offices | Rapt Studio | Boardroom Views

Ancestry Offices | Rapt Studio | Breakout Seating Area

Ancestry Offices | Rapt Studio | Exterior


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